Mrs. Melissa Oliver » Posts


Students in grades 1 through 5 have been working very hard this week to complete the annual WIDA ACCESS 2.0 testing!  Good luck!  Keep up the great work!

We will begin WIDA ACCESS 2.0 testing on Tuesday!  Please encourage your child to do his/her best!

ACCESS for ELLs is given to all ELs during the annual testing window, which typically lasts from January through mid-February.

State Testing Requirements

  • Pennsylvania students must take the ACCESS for ELLs Online. The paper-based version of ACCESS for ELLs for Grades 1-12 may be given only as an accommodation for students who require it. Kindergarten and Alternate ACCESS remain paper-based.
  • Students in Grades 1-5 handwrite their responses to the Writing domain in a response booklet.

Pennsylvania has been a member of the WIDA Consortium since 2007.


All of my students in grades 1-5 have a google classroom where they can access the various quizlets.  I have attached sign in directions if you need them.  If you don't know your child's username or password, just let me know and I'll be sure to send it home!
Being a good listener can be very difficult this time of year for many students, but not this GOLDEN TICKET WINNER!  Way to go!