Mrs. Melissa Oliver » Posts


Look how much we've grown!  From the beginning of the year to the end...time flies when you're having this much fun!
Nick was very excited and proud to earn a GOLDEN TICKET!  He demonstrated that he can answer a question with a complete sentence including words from the question in his answer without prompting!  Way to go Nick!
First Grade read a story from Frog and Toad Together this week, so we created a YouTube playlist of the first five stories in Frog and Toad Are Friends, the first book in the series by Arnold Lobel.  Then we took an Accelerated Reader test to demonstrate what great listening and reading skills we have!  Thank you Miss Latoche for your assistance with Accelerated Reader!
Kindergarten practices word families by matching the picture to the word.  This activity is great for practicing our reading skills and developing our vocabulary.
1st grade students were thrilled to get their very own Google Accounts in order to join my Google Classroom!  Now they can practice their Quizlets at home!  They were so excited!  Thank you Mr. Bailey and In-Shore for making this possible!