Period 3 AMER. GOVT/ECON. HONORS Assignments

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Final: Three Branches of Government in Google Classroom

Final: Three Branches of Government


Final: Three Branches of Government in Google Classroom

Final: Three Branches of Government


Final: Three Branches of Government in Google Classroom

Final: Three Branches of Government


Passion Project in Google Classroom

Passion Project

Slide 1 - Title
Slide 2- 3 Questions
Slide 3- Skills you have gained
Slide 4- Sources
Slide 5- Final product 

Each slide should have at least 1 appropriate picture.

Present to class!


Passion Project in Google Classroom

Passion Project

Slide 1 - Title
Slide 2- 3 Questions
Slide 3- Skills you have gained
Slide 4- Sources
Slide 5- Final product 

Each slide should have at least 1 appropriate picture.

Present to class!


Passion Project in Google Classroom

Passion Project

Slide 1 - Title
Slide 2- 3 Questions
Slide 3- Skills you have gained
Slide 4- Sources
Slide 5- Final product (could be the answers to your 3 questions)

Each slide should have at least 1 appropriate picture.

Present to class!


Ancestry Project Presentation in Google Classroom

Ancestry Project Presentation

Every slide should have content and pictures / images.


Ancestry Project Presentation in Google Classroom

Ancestry Project Presentation

Every slide should have content and pictures / images.

Slide 7- Include an article about a major WORLD event from


Artifacts in Google Classroom


Click the links at the top of each slide. When you find artifacts from one of the websites, place them on the correct slide with a CAPTION explaining what you found.

Ex: Death Certificate would go on Ancestry Classroom slide. Include a caption naming the person, include the year, and how they are related to you.

Include captions! (who, what, when)

In the event, you cannot find something on your family on one of the websites, include a screenshot of something local (Johnstown).


Electronic Notebook remainder of the year in Google Classroom

Electronic Notebook remainder of the year

Make sure you are taking notes on this Electronic Notebook everyday. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to look at the classroom stream and fill in notes for the day you were absent. You should have at least 3 bulleted notes under My Notes each day.

*See Mr. Yarnick if you have questions.


What are you passionate about? in Google Classroom

What are you passionate about?


What are you passionate about? in Google Classroom

What are you passionate about?


Ch. 8 The Media: Open ended in Google Classroom

Ch. 8 The Media: Open ended


Ch. 8 Study Guide in Google Classroom

Ch. 8 Study Guide


Ch. 8 Notes in Google Classroom

Ch. 8 Notes

Please take notes in class on each lessons review day.


Should the Federal Minimum Wage Be Increased? in Google Classroom

Should the Federal Minimum Wage Be Increased?

1st slide- Title

2nd slide- Cite information from the website
3rd slide- Your opinion


Current Event #11 in Google Classroom

Current Event #11

Newspapers are available in Mr. Yarnick's classroom.
-if you are absent please visit the Tribune Democrats' website to choose an article.

Read an interesting article from the Johnstown Tribune Democrat and answer the following prompts.
-Title of the article
-Date of the Newspaper:
-Page (example A2):
-How might my article relate to Social Studies
-Type a 3 sentence summary.

Present articles!


The Electoral College: How it Works in Contemporary Presidential Elections in Google Classroom

The Electoral College: How it Works in Contemporary Presidential Elections

We will read the analytical paper in class. Make sure you are answering the questions.


Gun Control in Google Classroom

Gun Control

First slide- Title
2nd slide- Information from the website (cite pro, con)
3rd slide- Your opinion


NewsFeed Defenders in Google Classroom

NewsFeed Defenders


Is Homework Beneficial? in Google Classroom

Is Homework Beneficial?

1st slide- Title

2nd slide- Cite information from the website

3rd slide- Your opinion


How to Spot Fake News in Google Classroom

How to Spot Fake News

In class assignment.


Ch. 7 Voting and Elections: Open-ended in Google Classroom

Ch. 7 Voting and Elections: Open-ended


Ch. 7 Voting and Elections Study Guide in Google Classroom

Ch. 7 Voting and Elections Study Guide


Ch. 7 Notes in Google Classroom

Ch. 7 Notes

We will take additional notes on these slides during class.


Should the United States Keep Daylight Saving Time? in Google Classroom

Should the United States Keep Daylight Saving Time?

First slide- Title
2nd slide- Information from the website (cite pro, con)
3rd slide- Your opinion

4th slide- What action has the federal government taken. (US Senate bill)


Current Event #10 in Google Classroom

Current Event #10

Newspapers are available in Mr. Yarnick's classroom.
-if you are absent please visit the Tribune Democrats' website to choose an article.

Read an interesting article from the Johnstown Tribune Democrat and answer the following prompts.
-Title of the article
-Date of the Newspaper:
-Page (example A2):
-How might my article relate to Social Studies
-Type a 3 sentence summary.

Present articles!


Cast Your Vote in Google Classroom

Cast Your Vote

When you are finished with the game upload a screenshot to Google Classroom.


Redistricting PA in Google Classroom

Redistricting PA

Go to

Refer to the attached directions.

When you are finished creating your map, go to the attached Google Slides (include a screenshot and a link to your map).


How a bill becomes a law? in Google Classroom

How a bill becomes a law?


Three Branches of Government Study Guide in Google Classroom

Three Branches of Government Study Guide


Holocaust Q/A in Google Classroom

Holocaust Q/A

We will complete together in class.


Is Cell Phone Radiation Safe? in Google Classroom

Is Cell Phone Radiation Safe?

1st slide- Title

2nd slide- Information from website: cite pro/con
3rd slide- Your Two Cents

4th slide- Should cell phones be allowed in school? Explain!

Pictures on each slide!


Stipulating Speech in Google Classroom

Stipulating Speech


You Be the Judge in Google Classroom

You Be the Judge


Podcast: John Marshall and the Supreme Court in Google Classroom

Podcast: John Marshall and the Supreme Court


Current Event #9 in Google Classroom

Current Event #9

Newspapers are available in Mr. Yarnick's classroom.
-if you are absent please visit the Tribune Democrats' website to choose an article.

Read an interesting article from the Johnstown Tribune Democrat and answer the following prompts.
-Title of the article
-Date of the Newspaper:
-Page (example A2):
-How might my article relate to Social Studies
-Type a 3 sentence summary.

Present articles!


Judicial Review in Google Classroom

Judicial Review


Gideon's Trumpet in Google Classroom

Gideon's Trumpet

We will watch the film and answer the questions in class.
Change the color of your answers!


Should Corporal Punishment Be Used in K-12 Schools? in Google Classroom

Should Corporal Punishment Be Used in K-12 Schools?

First slide - Title slide

2nd slide- Information from Procon's website (cite it)
3rd slide- Your Two Cents (your opinion) 

Include pictures on all slides.


WebQuest: Three Branches - Checks and Balances in Google Classroom

WebQuest: Three Branches - Checks and Balances


Current Event #8 in Google Classroom

Current Event #8

Newspapers are available in Mr. Yarnick's classroom.
-if you are absent please visit the Tribune Democrats' website to choose an article.

Read an article about Government from the Johnstown Tribune Democrat and answer the following prompts.
-Title of the article
-Date of the Newspaper:
-Page (example A2):
-The level of government your article relates to.
-Type a 3 sentence summary.

Present articles!


Double Take: Dual Court System in Google Classroom

Double Take: Dual Court System


Pew Research Center's Political Typology Quiz in Google Classroom

Pew Research Center's Political Typology Quiz

Take your time while you answer the 16 questions on the Pew Research Center's website. Afterwards, answer the 1 question Google Form.


Court Quest in Google Classroom

Court Quest

Upload a screenshot of completion to Google Classroom when finished.


Supreme Court Justice Project in Google Classroom

Supreme Court Justice Project

No sharing slides

Each slide should have the following:
-Name & picture of the justice
-birth year
-legal experience (MOST IMPORTANT)
-president who appointed them
-year they joined the Supreme Court


Is a College Education Worth It? in Google Classroom

Is a College Education Worth It?

First slide - Title slide

2nd slide- Information from Procon's website
3rd slide- Your Two Cents (your opinion) &  your plan for next year!

Include pictures on all slides.


Supreme Court Nominations in Google Classroom

Supreme Court Nominations


President Biden's Cabinet in Google Classroom

President Biden's Cabinet


Cabinet Building in Google Classroom

Cabinet Building


Current Event #7 in Google Classroom

Current Event #7

Newspapers are available in Mr. Yarnick's classroom.
-if you are absent please visit the Tribune Democrats' website to choose an article.

Read an article about Government from the Johnstown Tribune Democrat and answer the following prompts.
-Title of the article
-Date of the Newspaper:
-Page (example A2):
-The level of government your article relates to.
-Type a 3 sentence summary.

After you "Turn in" your summary, ask at least one classmate a QUESTION about their article.


Win the White House in Google Classroom

Win the White House


Representation in Google Classroom



Should Bottled Water Be Banned? in Google Classroom

Should Bottled Water Be Banned?

Read the pros and cons. Afterwards, choose a side and provide evidence on the attached Google Slides. The LAST slide should be your opinion (two cents).


Constitution Brochure in Google Classroom

Constitution Brochure

Go to Canva to create your brochure. When finished upload to Google Classroom.

Each page must have notes and at least 1 picture. 
Page 1- Title “U.S. Constitution”
Page 2- Article I
Page 3 - Article II
Page 4- Article III
Page 5- Articles IV-VII (brief description for each)
Page 6- Amendments (do NOT list all of the amendments)


No Bill of Rights, No Deal in Google Classroom

No Bill of Rights, No Deal


The Constitution Study Guide in Google Classroom

The Constitution Study Guide

Complete the study guide to prepare for our next test!


Current Event #6 in Google Classroom

Current Event #6

Newspapers are available in Mr. Yarnick's classroom.
-if you are absent please visit the Tribune Democrats' website to choose an article.

Read an article about Government from the Johnstown Tribune Democrat and answer the following prompts.
-Title of the article
-Date of the Newspaper:
-Page (example A2):
-The level of government your article relates to.
-Type a 3 sentence summary.

After you "Turn in" your summary, ask at least one classmate a QUESTION about their article.


Branches of Power in Google Classroom

Branches of Power


Do I have a Right? in Google Classroom

Do I have a Right?


Current Event #5 in Google Classroom

Current Event #5

Newspapers are available in Mr. Yarnick's classroom.
-if you are absent please visit the Tribune Democrats' website to choose an article.

Read an article about Government from the Johnstown Tribune Democrat and answer the following prompts.
-Title of the article
-Date of the Newspaper:
-Page (example A2):
-The level of government your article relates to.
-Type a 3 sentence summary.

After you "Turn in" your summary, ask at least one classmate a QUESTION about their article.


Should the Death Penalty Be Legal? in Google Classroom

Should the Death Penalty Be Legal?

After researching the topic defend your position on this issue.

In addition, make sure you answer the questions on the attached Google Doc "Death Penalty stats and facts 2022".


The Fight for the Beach: Acts of Courage on D-Day in Google Classroom

The Fight for the Beach: Acts of Courage on D-Day

Fill out out the attached Video Guide, while we watch the video in class. 
Please change the color of your answers.

*Research other recipients of the Congressional Medal of Honor. 
-Add their name & the conflict or war to the bottom of the Video Guide.


From Colonies to Constitution in Google Classroom

From Colonies to Constitution


Study Guide: The Road To The Constitution in Google Classroom

Study Guide: The Road To The Constitution


Current Events #4 in Google Classroom

Current Events #4

Newspapers are available in Mr. Yarnick's classroom.
-if you are absent please visit the Tribune Democrats' website to choose an article.

Read an article about Government from the Johnstown Tribune Democrat and answer the following prompts.
-Title of the article
-Date of the Newspaper:
-Page (example A2):
-The level of government your article relates to.
-Type a 3 sentence summary.

After you "Turn in" your summary, ask at least one classmate a QUESTION about their article.


Familiar But Flawed in Google Classroom

Familiar But Flawed


A More Perfect Union in Google Classroom

A More Perfect Union

In class assignment.

Change the color of your answers! Turn in when finished.


Create a Startup in Google Classroom

Create a Startup

Provide specific examples in your answer.

Make sure you say the bulleted items in your answer.
-Ex: Type; data driven decision


Veterans Day Lesson in Google Classroom

Veterans Day Lesson

1. Complete Google Form "How much do you know about Veterans Day"
2. Complete Veterans Day Lesson (Google Slides)


Current Events #3 in Google Classroom

Current Events #3

Newspapers are available in Mr. Yarnick's classroom.
-if you are absent please visit the Tribune Democrat's website to choose an article.

Read an article about Economics from the Johnstown Tribune Democrat and answer the following prompts.
-Title of the article
-Date of the Newspaper:
-Page (example A2):
-Type a 3 sentence summary.

After you "Turn in" your summary, ask at least one classmate a QUESTION about their article.


Election 2022 in Google Classroom

Election 2022

Select your preferred candidate for U.S. Senate and PA's Governor. 

Each slide presentation should have the following:
1st slide- Create a Poster (include a slogan)
2nd slide- Biography- experience, age
3rd slide- Your candidates stance on 2 important issues.
4th slide- Why you chose to support this candidate, and why they are the best choice for Pennsylvania.

All slides should have pictures!


Single Business Life Cycle in Google Classroom

Single Business Life Cycle

Each slide should have notes and a picture.


Create a Startup in Google Classroom

Create a Startup

In class assignment.


Current Events #2 in Google Classroom

Current Events #2

In class, students will be assigned ONE slide.

Newspapers are available in Mr. Yarnick's classroom.
-if you are absent please visit the Tribune Democrats' website to choose an article.

Read an article about Economics from the Johnstown Tribune Democrat and answer the following prompts.
-Title of the article
-Date of the Newspaper:
-Page (example A2):
-Type a 3 sentence summary.

-Include a picture!


7 Goals in the Market Economy in Google Classroom

7 Goals in the Market Economy

Have notes from the book and at least 1 picture on EACH slide.


Intervention In The Free Market in Google Classroom

Intervention In The Free Market

To be completed in class.


Managing Change to Stay Profitable in Google Classroom

Managing Change to Stay Profitable


Economic Reasoning in Google Classroom

Economic Reasoning

Make sure you are using the 4 Step Model of Economic Reasoning. Use specific examples in your answer.

20% late penalty if not turned in by the end of the class period on Oct. 12th.


Current Event Friday #1 in Google Classroom

Current Event Friday #1

Newspapers are available in Mr. Yarnick's classroom.
-if you are absent please visit the Tribune Democrat's website to choose an article.

Read an article about Economics from the Johnstown Tribune Democrat and answer the following prompts.
-Title of the article
-Date of the Newspaper:
-Page (example A2):
-Type a 3 sentence summary.

After you "Turn in" your summary, ask at least one classmate a QUESTION about their article.


Household Budget in Google Classroom

Household Budget

In class assignment.


Core Principle of Economics in Google Classroom

Core Principle of Economics

In groups, create a slide presentation highlighting the main points of your principle. (p. 23-29)

Include pictures!


Economic Reasoning in Google Classroom

Economic Reasoning

We will complete in class. Turn in when finished.


Trade-offs in Google Classroom


Be sure to answer both sides of the chart. Each time slot should have an answer. 
Keep in mind for the "What I would rather do" side of the chart the goal is to be more efficient with you time.


Credit Card Rights and Protections in Google Classroom

Credit Card Rights and Protections


Constitution Day Webquest in Google Classroom

Constitution Day Webquest

We will complete in class on Friday!


Benefits and Risks of Credit in Google Classroom

Benefits and Risks of Credit