PSSA/Keystone Exam Information
Dear Parents/Guardians:
Upon return from the Thanksgiving break, students in the Richland School District in need of re-test on any of the Keystone Exams will be afforded the opportunity. As a district, we will administer the assessment to all students who have not banked a proficient or advanced score.
The test schedule will be as follows at Richland High School.
- Wednesday December 2, Algebra I
- Tuesday, December 8, Biology
- Thursday, December 10, Literature
A few important notes in regard to test security:
- The Pennsylvania Department of Education has put great emphasis on the security of this test due to the requirement of graduation.
- Students will not be permitted to have cell phones or other electronic devices on their person during testing.
- Teachers will collect and return cell phones to students who do have them. We encourage those students to not bring phones to testing sites.
For more information regarding the exams, use the following links:
- Information for Parents or Guardians
- Chapter 4 Guidance Frequently Asked Questions
- Keystone Exams Testing Windows
- Understanding Depth of Knowledge and Cognitive Complexity Keystone Exam Review of Items
- Keystone Exam Scale Score Ranges