Mrs. Sarah Dininny » Welcome to Kindergarten!

Welcome to Kindergarten!

Hello!  My name is Sarah Dininny, and I am a kindergarten teacher at Richland Elementary. I am so proud to be teaching at my alma mater! I graduated from Richland in 2008.  I went to Pitt-Johnstown and earned my Bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education in 2012.  I earned my Master’s degree in Early Childhood Education from Clarion University in 2017. This will be my twelfth year of my teaching career.  I absolutely love my job and my students!


I am SO excited to get to know your child this school year!  We will have a lot of fun in kindergarten. I know you will be amazed at the academic, social, and personal growth you will see in your child!  We will work hard to become good readers and writers by the end of the year.  We will also learn various concepts in Math, Science, and Social Studies.  I believe that children learn best in a classroom community that is nurturing, warm, and inviting, and I always want my students to feel safe and happy in their educational environment.  I strive to make every child feel special and supported.  I know we will have a wonderful year! :)


Please feel free to e-mail me with any questions or concerns.  Thank you!  #RamPride 


-Mrs. Dininny



Week of Dec. 1-4

Hello, friends!
I am so proud of your hard work as you are learning at home!  Keep up the great work!  Attached is the PDF document that is also posted in Google Classroom.  Please submit photos of your work to Google Classroom by Sunday night at 6:00 PM.  Please feel free to call or email me with any questions or concerns!  Missing you all & can't wait to see you again!
~Mrs. Dininny

14th Week - Gg

Hello, friends!
I miss you so much!  I hope you are learning a lot while working at home during this time.  I am so proud of all of your hard work.  I have seen some AWESOME work in the photos that your grown-ups have helped you to send!  Keep up the great work.  I can't wait until we are all together again.  Attached to this post is the PDF document that is also shared in Google Classroom. I thought it would be helpful to access from my website as well.  Please feel free to reach out at any time with questions or concerns that you may have!  Thank you for all of your hard work!
-Mrs. Dininny
Tomorrow is Picture Day! :)  Photo forms were sent home in the students' folders.  Don't forget to bring your photo form and a happy smile!! :)

Thank you!

Thank you for an awesome first week of kindergarten!  It's going to be a great year!  Please feel free to contact me at [email protected] with any questions or concerns at any time!  Have a wonderful weekend!

I miss you, kindergarten friends!

Hello my kindergarten friends!
I am missing you SO much!  I hope you are enjoying some fun time with your families, but please know that I think of each of you every single day and that I can't wait until we are together again! :) 
Please use this time to, most importantly, stay safe and healthy.  I know it can get boring, but I want you to think about all of the fun things we do in school each day, and try to incorporate them into your daily life!  First of all, READ, READ, READ!  Imagine you are finished at "Ms. Shelley's Center."  Grab a pillow, get cozy, and read a book--maybe even to a brother or sister, a pet, or a stuffed animal!  :)  Also, think about all of the writing we do in our classroom!  Draw a picture and try to write sentences about it!  Remember that we always sound out words and write the letters that we hear.  If it's not spelled perfectly, that's okay!  Remember that we also always think about using capital letters at the beginning, finger spaces throughout, and a period or ending mark at the end of our sentences.  Also, think about all of the fun things we do on the iPads during centers!  ABCya has so many fun learning games that you could show to your families!  You could make them proud by showing them how you can identify coins, count, and add numbers together.  I would be so proud to see you play the learning games--they help us to get smarter every day!  Take time to create, move, and make every day fun!  
Finally, I have attached the link to our Elementary Librarian, Ms. Latoche's website.  She has many online resources for reading that would be extremely beneficial for families to use at this time.  These resources are very user friendly, fun, exciting, and educational!  
I can't wait to see you again, my friends!  Please know I miss you so much and I think of you every single day!  Stay safe and happy! :)
Mrs. Dininny