Mrs. Rose Rifilato » Posts


Congratulations to Kendyl, Dylan, Michael, Rachel, Colton, Wesley, and Kiya who completed Book It for the month of October.   

I have attached a new website to your student's agenda.  It is for front row and it is a great practice site for math and reading.

This week, your child was given a password to use First in Math.  This program is a great way to practice math facts in a fun way and on their level.  The password is inside their agenda.   The website is   Give it a try enjoy.

Here is our class posing with the letters we received from Emerald Hill Elementary in Culpeper VA and the letters we were sending in return.
This is a sample of letters we are sending as pen pals to Emerald Hill Elementary School.   Mrs. Rifilato's daughter is a teacher there.  Our class plans to correspond several times during the school year.