Hello and welcome to my webpage. I am Jacob St.Clair and I have the pleasure of teaching World History in 8th grade at Richland High School, as well as Character and Leadership in 7th grade. I believe that History should not be merely a collection of names and dates assembled in order, meaningless trivia devoid of context, but that it should be used as a tool for teaching critical thinking and critical literacy, helping students to understand the underlying causes of major events in history and to navigate those currents and patterns in order to make responsible, informed decisions when they recognize those patterns during the course of their own lives. History should prepare us to face the future, armed with the knowledge of the past. I want the historical figures we examine to live and breathe for my students. I want my students to empathize with these figures as human beings, with all the same features and flaws we possess today. Most of all I want to share the excitement, the wonder, and the changeable nature of history with my students to instill in them the passion I myself feel for the subject, and foster a thirst for life-long learning.
This year assignments and communication will occur through
Google Classroom, where students will be able to access notes, assignments, study guides, and project information directly from the stream!
Materials Needed:
Students will need to bring a pencil/pen to class, as well as their charged Chromebooks and most importantly their curiosity. There will be some additional materials for projects as the year progresses but I will describe those in the specific project rubrics.