The health room is located next to the guidance office. If for some reason the nurse is not present, the student must report to the guidance office. Under no circumstances is a student to be in the restroom if ill unless direct permission has been given by a teacher or principal. Students who remain in the restroom without permission are subject to disciplinary action. No student may remove or make use of any medications found in the health room without the nurse’s supervision. When a student is excused from the health room by the nurse or by the guidance office, the student is to report directly back to his assigned class. Failure to do so will result in disciplinary action. Students should not contact parents via phone or text messaging when ill.
According to the PA School Code, the following are mandated exams for high school students:
Grade 7 - Dental exams by the family dentist or school dentist
Grade 7 & 11 - Hearing screening by district personnel
Grade 11 - Physical exam by family doctor or school doctor
All Grades - Height, weight and body mass index (BMI) by district personnel & vision exam by school nurse
Students who feel ill, have a temperature greater than 100F or have questionable rashes in the morning are not to come to school. These are often signs of the onset of a communicable disease.
Nurse: Mrs. Batche, R.N.