College Planning » Sophomore Calendar

Sophomore Calendar

Sophomore Calendar 

*Meet with your school counselor - Make sure you are enrolled in college - preparatory courses.  Check to see thay you are taking any prerequisites to advance level junior and senior year courses.

*Ask if the PSAT/NMSQT is offered to 10th grade - While this test is usually taken in the 11th grade, it is also often offered in the 10th grade as well.  That is because it provides invaluable feedback on the Student Score Report; 10th-graders can then work on any disclosed academic weaknesses while there is still ample time to improve them.

*Are you interested in attending a U.S. military academy - If so, you should request a precandidate questionnaire and complete it.  Your school counselor can help with this.

*Attend college/career fairs - These often take place in the fall in your local communities.

*Participate in school activities and/or volunteer - These activities will help develop time management skills and enrich your school experience.

*Tour college campuses - If possible, take advantage of vacation or other family travel opportunities to visit colleges and see what they are like.  Even if there is no interest in attending the college you are visiting, it will help you learn what to look for in a college.